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Hi-Q Beta Titanium - Euro
Hi-Q Beta Titanium - Euro
Nickel Free Beta Titanium Archwires Force levels between nickel titanium and stainless steel Hi-Q Beta Titanium archwires are nickel-free with properties that fall between the bendability of Stainless Steel and the flexibility of Nickel Titanium. Beta Titanium wires have a smooth, polished surface for excellent sliding mechanics and provides moderate wire stiffness levels at 60% less than Stainless...
Hi-Q Beta Titanium - Full
Hi-Q Beta Titanium - Full
Nickel Free Beta Titanium Archwires Force levels between nickel titanium and stainless steel Hi-Q Beta Titanium archwires are nickel-free with properties that fall between the bendability of Stainless Steel and the flexibility of Nickel Titanium. Beta Titanium wires have a smooth, polished surface for excellent sliding mechanics and provides moderate wire stiffness levels at 60% less than Stainless...

Hi-Q Beta Titanium - Universal
Hi-Q Beta Titanium - Universal
Nickel Free Beta Titanium Archwires Force levels between nickel titanium and stainless steel Hi-Q Beta Titanium archwires are nickel-free with properties that fall between the bendability of Stainless Steel and the flexibility of Nickel Titanium. Beta Titanium wires have a smooth, polished surface for excellent sliding mechanics and provides moderate wire stiffness levels at 60% less than Stainless...
Mighty ChainMighty Chain
Mighty Chain
15' spool

Mighty Ties™Mighty Ties™
Mighty Ties™
1008 ties per stick (24 per stick)
Mighty Ties™ Colour Selector Keyring
Mighty Ties™ Colour Selector Keyring
A handy keyring for easy selection of Mighty Ties colours

Mighty Ties™ Micro
Mighty Ties™ Micro
For use with lingual or mini brackets, these have a reduced diameter of 0.095" 1008 per pack
Mighty Ties™ MiniMighty Ties™ Mini
Mighty Ties™ Mini
1000 ties per pack (10/stick) Check out our special offer on Mighty Ties Mini Marigold option

TOC Intra-Oral Elastics - Latex FreeTOC Intra-Oral Elastics - Latex Free
TOC Intra-Oral Elastics - Latex Free
Packs of 20 patient packs
Woodland Creatures - Latex Free
Woodland Creatures - Latex Free
Supplied in 50 individual packs containing 100 bands.